About Us
With more than 20 years of high-level experience in the design, manufacture and installation of fenestration and glazed facades. Our founder Anton Fish along with Salvador Moita and JP Joubert created our company with the vision to provide specialised economical services and products to the fenestration and façade industry.
We understand it is already rather challenging to run a business that operates in the construction sector. Due to current economic conditions, it is unfortunately going to be even more challenging going forward.
We provide key design, drawing, management and rope access services that will allow fenestration companies to reduce fixed operating costs and continue to have “happy customers”. By using our professional services on a “pay as you go” basis if you like, our clients can reduce monthly overheads spent on full time designing, draughting and project management departments.
Our team comprises of knowledgeable, passionate, like-minded individuals with an enormous amount of fenestration design and management experience. Our strong values of “no grey areas” and “no short-cuts”. Gives our clients peace of mind that their reputation is the most important thing to us.
Through our offerings our mission is to ensure that our clients successfully deliver a compliant quality end product on time. Resulting in a successful project and an enjoyable experience for all
concerned. Thereby leading to future work.

Email: anton@cascadefs.co.za
Phone: +27 79 635 4044
Career Path
Estimator (1995 – 1998)
Contracts Manager (1998 – 2002)
Contracts Director (2002 – 2006)
CEO (2006 – 2014)
Managing Director (2014 – 2020)
Michelangelo Towers , Da Vinci Hotel, Soccer City, Melrose Arch, Mall Of Africa, STATS SA Head Office, Council Chambers, Sasol Head Office, Hilton Hotel Swaziland

Email: salvador@cascadefs.co.za
Phone: +27 82 875 4488
Career Path
Draughtsman (1987 – 1990)
Contracts Manager (1993 – 1998)
Factory Manager (1998 – 2000)
Contracts Director (2000 – 2019)
The Leonardo, O.R. Tambo Int Airport, Bank Of Mozambique, Radison Blue Maputo, Oando Wings – Nigeria, Torres Atlantico – Angola, Universal Plaza – Botswana

Email: jp@cascadefs.co.za
Phone: +27 82 4454576
Career Path
Draughtsman (2005 – 2012)
Design Draughtsman (2012 – 2014)
Technical Manager (2014 – 2019)
Project Manager (2019 – 2020)
Fourways Mall, KPMG Head Office, 90 Rivonia Rd Sandton, Mall Of Africa, Rosebank Fire Station, Melrose Arch, Destiny Hotel, Sandton Court